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Bach Flower Remedies

Rescue Remedy

Bach Flower Remedies are made by diluting parts of flowers, wild plants, trees, and bushes. The best known Bach Flower remedy is Rescue Remedy.


The intention of Rescue Remedy is to reduce stress and anxiety. You can give Bach Flower Remedies to pets. There are 38 different remedies which can be used in numerous combinations.

How Bach Flower Remedies work

Dr Edward Bach (1886–1936) was a British homeopath with a Diploma of Public Health. He wanted to make natural remedies to heal people. He believed that people’s emotions impacted on their physical health and wanted to develop something to ease this feeling of emotional imbalance. Through his study, he found that different flowers could influence different emotions.


By carefully deciding what it is you would like help with, we can select the Bach Flower Remedies that will ease these unsettling feelings. This special selection will help bring you back to your true inner self, restoring your balance and your positive outlook on life.

Are Bach Flower Remedies safe?

Dr Bach spent five years, from 1930–1935, developing and testing his remedies. They are used all over the world, and recommended by psychologists, practitioners, and counsellors. Bach Flowers Remedies are not medicinal.


Once we have created your personal mixture, you simply put four drops on your tongue four times a
day. You can take it more frequently, even every half hour, until the trauma passes. When choosing
remedies, it is important that the practitioner explains the reason for the choice. This empowers
you in your healing process.


I have completed Bach Flower Course levels 1 and 2. I went to the Bach Centre in the UK in 1999,
where I did my Bach Flower Practitioner Training.


To learn more about the Bach Flower Remedies and how they can help you, please contact me:


Bach Flower consultations can be in person or via phone or skype, Bach Flower Remedies can be sent to


Mobile: +64 – (0)272797983
Landline +64- (0)4-939-0220


Lower Hutt, New Zealand.


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