I have always been interested in massage and potion making.
As a young girl growing up in England, I would gather rose petals, put them in a jar of water, and leave them in the sun.
Now I know this as a simple method of infusion. I attended a Masonic boarding school for girls. I loved sports at school and was voted captain for netball, hockey, swimming, drama, and tennis. I was also a house prefect, voted head ovf house. I was the school swimming...Christene

ntegrated body therapist - Massage, Aromatherapy, Bach Flower Remedies, Reiki, Coaching I have been practicing as a massage therapist since 1996. Over the years, I have also gained various qualifications in alternative therapies, giving me a wide spectrum of experience to call upon as an integrated body worker. I really enjoy working with your body, mind, and soul. My goal is to help you feel better – nurturing you into a space of perfect alignment. Your mind will become clearer and calmer, allowing you to make good life choices. Your soul will come into a place of deep stillness, allowing you to receive intuitive guidance directly from me as I work with every part of you.
I am clairsentient, which means I will “feel” where I need to work, whether it is with your body, mind or soul. The outcome will always be the same: you will experience the healing energy of a highly skilled integrated body worker.